Songbook PDF
version 3.6.7 - 2012/12/22

Full editions

160 pages volumes

Volumes by language

Special editions
Songbook Sources

The sources for the songbook are available as a tar.gz archive or directly via Lohrun's git repository.
Songbook Client
version 0.7.8 - 2012/24/10

- Wheezy/Sid : songbook-client_0.7.8-1_amd64.deb (64bits), songbook-client_0.7.8-1_i386.deb (32bits)

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:romain-goffe/patacrep
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install songbook-client

Songbook Client is a graphical interface to edit/write songs and build your own songbook.

- Documentation : french, english
Github :
The user manual describes how to use, create and build your own songbook.

Those plugins provide edition mode with syntax highlighting and auto-indentation when editing songs (.sg files).